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Become the change

Transforming nations by developing leaders

Who you are, your decisions and choices will have a lasting impact on yourself and others.

Who are the people you impact?



The EMIT premise

You can leave a LEGACY that spans continents and generations.

Our unique training methodology harnesseses the transformative power of relationships to NURTURE GREATNESS


The EMIT calling

After decades of support, why is AFRICA still struggling?

Is it perhaps because most organizations are treating the symptoms and not the cause? EMIT believes the problem AND solution rests with the LEADERS of Africa.


The EMIT focus

Meet Anna. How do her LEADERS affect her life?

EMIT's mission is to train leaders, but our goal is to impact the lives of people like Anna. We change the quality of her life by equipping her role-models and decision-makers.


The EMIT purpose

IMAGINE if you could reach into the remotest villages in the darkest corners of Africa.

Meet Joseph - an EMIT student. EMIT training equips him for greater impact within his spheres of influence.


The EMIT student

Joseph is given a mandate to identify 10 INFLUENCERS with whom he will share his training.

Our unique training methodology has enabled EMIT to develop equipped, ethical leaders in areas of Africa where conventional organizations do not reach.


The EMIT method

EMIT leaders have transformed communities across Africa.

We have a waiting list of leaders eager to be the change that Africa needs. Committed to transforming their communities - they need your help to gain the knowledge and skills.


The EMIT success