Managers light a fire under people; leaders light a fire in people. - Kathy Austin

Our Team

TEAM of Experts

THE EMIT TEAM are experts in African transformation.

A great team is a powerful concept that you can put to work in nearly any industry. Strategically building a team for important projects is an efficient way to tackle any organization's challenges. Of course, a great team doesn't just benefit the organization; it can also boost morale and camaraderie, increase job satisfaction and help employees stretch their abilities and raise their profile. 

The EMIT team consist of permanent staff as well as volunteers across Africa. We believe that anything is possible with a great team. We are proud that our culture dictates very personal and involved relationships. Investing in our team is of high value, making even tough circumstances and decisions easy. Our team members are mentors that multiply themselves by imparting skills and life-changing values. We have a great team!